Thursday, May 14, 2020

Julius Caesar Who Was He Really Essay - 1172 Words

Who was Julius Caesar? Julius Caesar accomplished many things in his day, which most would consider unbelievable. He has been considered a tyrant or dictator, and some believe he was one of the world’s greatest politician. In this paper we will compare the textbook and documentation that was written around 44 B.C.E the time of his death. The documents are considered to be â€Å"primary sources†, because of the timeframe in which they were written. To get a grasp on whom, Julius Caesar really was, we need to not only dive into the primary sources, but we need to view his accomplishments. By analyzing his accomplishments, textbook, and the primary sources we can better understand just how Julius Caesar was portrayed during his reign. Julius†¦show more content†¦This promise was kept by Caesar once out of captivity; he sought out to rid the pirates from the Mediterranean Sea to protect Roman property. Caesar’s first military leadership experience was when h e was sent to Spain where he commanded many troops in order to maintain a rebellion. While there, it is said the â€Å"First Triumvirate† was born, an alliance between Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. This alliance helped him gain the upper hand, and begin his ascension into political power. With this political power he became Governor of Gaul, and once Governor he defeated the Helvetians, Germans, and Nervii. Once these enemies were defeated he strove to defeat Germany and Britain. This is when the Senate started to get angered towards the decisions he was making. The Senate explained that no wars should be waged east of the Rhine River, which was ignored by Caesar. Many believe that the war with Britain was mostly propaganda, because Caesar was fighting a war â€Å"in unknown lands, against a mystic enemy† ( Once he returned to Gaul he again, had to defeat a rebellion of some of Gaul’s tribes. Once Caesar defeated the Gaul rebellion he was named Master of Gaul. After the rebellion in Gaul he returns to find out that the Senate revoked his Governorship. He becomes irate and decides to come to Italy, his march to Rome was meet with little resistance and he walks right into Rome and takes the city and is named temporary Dictator of Rome. Pompey fleesShow MoreRelatedMean Girls and Julius Caesar954 Words   |  4 PagesJulius Caesar Film vs Mean Girls Julius Caesar is an extremely old and extremely famous play written by William Shakespeare around 1599. Shakespeares plays are reflected in many movies and stories now a days and Julius Caesar is to famous that they even made thrice movies for the story. 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